2017年7月7日 星期五

巴菲特收购 Oncor 是昏招嗎?

知情人士透露,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)旗下的能源公司 Energy Future 近达成收购Oncor的协议,后者是美国最大输电公司之一,为约1,000万德克萨斯州人提供服务。

Energy Future 是 Oncor 的多数股东,Oncor广被视为该公司的核心资产。



自2014年以来,有一家公司叫 NextEra就一直寻求收购Oncor,希望将这一能稳定产生现金的公司加入其能源业务组合。


老實說,我不明白為何巴菲特在低利率和能源價格低的時候,投資 Oncor 這電廠幹嘛?


因為 Oncor 非上市公司,所以無法知道它的股價。

不過根據【DOW JONES U.S. UTILITIES INDEX】走勢,現在公用事業,的確出於高價位區。


Oncor 的簡介:

Oncor Electric Delivery serves miles and miles of Texas' vast energy market. The company operates the regulated power assets of parent Energy Future Holdings, which include about 120,000 miles of transmission and distribution lines serving more than 400 cities and 91 counties situated in the eastern, north-central, and western portions of the state. The company provides power to more than 3.2 million meters in homes and businesses. Oncor Electric Delivery maintains streetlights in its service territory. The utility also provides services to competitive retail electric providers. In 2016 NextEra Energy agreed to the company in a deal valued at $18.4 billion.
